We bear your responsibility as a producer

We provide an optimal environmental management service, enabling you to meet the legal and environmental challenges applicable to your business in terms of the waste generated by the electrical equipment you place on the market. Discover the advantages of the Electrão service.

  • Over 18 years' experience in recycling and waste management
  • A dedicated account manager
  • A single platform and electronic invoicing
  • Support in improving your environmental performance throughout the value chain
  • Development of Communication and Awareness-raising campaigns tailored to your needs
  • Free collection service for used electrical equipment

The national network

The collection sites for used packaging are organized into a national urban network made of recycling bins, ecocentres and door-to-door collection. The Urban Waste Management Systems and municipalities are responsible for managing these sites. After sorting, the lots are sent to operational partners, selected by Electrão for proper treatment and recycling. Get to know the network's players:

Used packaging
Used packaging is placed in the respective recycling bins.
Mechanical and biological treatment separates the packaging and contaminants that come from the undifferentiated container.
Landfill and composting
Packaging is transformed into raw materials.
The packaging is sorted and separated by type of material.
Unsorted collection
Some packaging can also be recovered from unsorted containers.
Selective collection
Packaging is collected from each recycling bin.
Used packaging
Used packaging
Used packaging is placed in the respective recycling bins.
Mechanical and biological treatment separates the packaging and contaminants that come from the undifferentiated container.
Landfill and composting
Landfill and composting
Packaging is transformed into raw materials.
The packaging is sorted and separated by type of material.
Unsorted collection
Unsorted collection
Some packaging can also be recovered from unsorted containers.
Selective collection
Selective collection
Packaging is collected from each recycling bin.

Electrão's work with used packaging

Since 2005, we have been one of the driving forces behind recycling in Portugal. All the work we do ensures that the packaging is taken back
and treated correctly when they reach the end of their useful life. Through recycling, we avoid polluting the environment and extracting new finite raw materials, contributing to a more circular economy.

These are last year's results:

56 233 ton

of used packaging taken back by Electrão

Diverted plastic
15 thousand ton

of plastic packaging diverted from nature

Fighting pollution
46 430 tons

CO2 emissions avoided

Ondereciclar.pt: find out where to drop off your waste

Ondereciclar.pt: find out where to drop off your waste

A platform with an interactive map where you can find the nearest place to dispose of batteries, electrical equipment, lamps, end-of-life vehicles, tyres, oils or used umbrellas.

To know more
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