Type of material

The packaging in Electrão's scope of activity is categorised according to its use and the type of material it is made of.


Glass bottles, jars and containers, excluding crockery and ceramics, mirrors, flat glass and lamps.


Plastic containers for liquids and plastic bags.

Paper and cardboard

Cardboard boxes, magazines and newspapers, writing and printing paper. Does not include plastic bags, tracing paper, nappies, dirty paper or stickers.


Cardboard packages for liquid foods. They are used, for example, to store juice and milk.


Some pressurised soft drink cans and toiletries.


Canned packaging and some soft drink cans.


Wooden boxes and pallets.

Other materials

Such as the polystyrene used in some food packaging.

Knowing the rules of recycling is the first step towards correctly directing packaging to the right recycling bin. Find out what to put and what not to put in each recycling bin.

To know more

Packaging in numbers

Average life time
6 months
Plastic in marine litter
Average time that glass takes to decompose in nature.
1 million years
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