Learn about the recycling process for CTR
Collection and transport
Once they have been collected from their respective locations, CRT screens and monitors are transported to reception and treatment centers responsible for processing them.
Reception, Storage and Sorting
CRT equipment undergoes initial sorting and weighing and is stored while awaiting its treatment process.
Manual dismantling
During this process, televisions are dismantled and various components are removed, including the cathode ray tube (CRT), motors and capacitors, plastics, wood and metals that make up the structure of the TV, electrical cables, among others.

Cutting and Vacuuming the CRT: the CRT tube is cut so that the front glass containing the luminescent layer, which has phosphor dust on it, can be vacuumed off. This luminescent layer is sucked into a chamber to minimize the release of phosphor dust into the environment
Processing for recovery
The various materials that result from the dismantling and depollution of CRTs are then sent, depending on their type, to operators who process them, transforming them into new raw materials or ensuring their correct recovery or disposal.