Learn about the recycling process for flat screens
It all starts when the screens are correctly sent for recycling. Once they have been placed in the Ponto Electrão, they follow the process until they become raw material for the production of something new.
Collection and Transport
Once they have been collected on site, the screens and flat-screen monitors are transported to reception and processing centers.
Reception and Storage
Screens and monitors with flat screens are stored while awaiting their treatment process.
Manual Dismantling and Pollution Control
The screens are manually dismantled so that the fractions that make them up are removed. These include liquid crystal displays, which are made up of rare earth minerals. They are joined by cables, printed circuit boards, some light bulbs, plastic components, metals such as aluminum and copper and ferrous metals, glass, among others.
The components removed from the screens, depending on their nature/composition, are then sent to operators who treat and recover them, preparing them for later recycling and use as raw materials, energy recovery or safe disposal.