Step-by-step process
Tubular and compact fluorescent lamps and halogen lamps are treated as follows:
It all starts when used lamps are correctly sent for recycling. Once placed in the Ponto Electrão, they go through the process until they become raw material for the production of something new.
Tubular and compact fluorescent lamps and halogen lamps are treated as follows:
Lamps undergo a primary sorting to remove unwanted items such as packaging, electrical equipment or batteries, which are then sent to the appropriate treatment channels. The lamps are then weighed and stored while awaiting the appropriate treatment process.
The lamps are placed in a process line, which fragments/grinds them in a controlled atmosphere. The mercury-containing fluorescent powders in the lamps, which are released during the grinding process, are extracted through a closed system with associated activated carbon filter tanks. The residual gaseous mercury is captured by the activated carbon and then sent for proper disposal.
The ferrous metals (iron) that were part of the lamps are separated by the action of a magnet.
A system of eddy currents separates non-ferrous metals such as aluminium or glass from plastic.
Recovered raw materials are incorporated into the production of new products, including new lamps.