Learn about the process of recycling large electrical equipment
It all starts when large used electrical equipment are correctly sent for recycling. Once delivered, they follow the process until they become raw materials for the production of something new.
Collection and Transport
Once collected on site, large electrical equipment is transported to reception and treatment centers responsible for processing it.
Reception, Storage and Sorting
Large electrical equipment is initially sorted, weighed and stored while it awaits its treatment process.
Manual dismantling and depollution
Large electrical equipment is dismantled by specialized technicians, separating components such as concrete ballasts, electric motors, batteries, small screens and other materials. Electric cables, capacitors, printed circuit boards, oils and light bulbs are removed.
Mechanical fragmentation
The equipment is broken up using mechanical processes so that it is reduced into small fragments, making it easier to separate them by type of material and to access certain components located inside the equipment.
The fragments obtained in the previous process are separated based on their physical characteristics. Various types of separation processes are used:
- Magnetic separation - ferrous metals
- Eddy current separation - aluminum, steel, stainless steel
- Optical sorting (with optical sorting equipment) and/or manual sorting - copper and fragmentation waste (light fraction)