What does Electrão do?

Since 2005, Electrão has been one of the drivers of recycling in Portugal and a partner for companies in managing the waste from the products they place on the market. It is a one-stop shop for environmental compliance, which supports companies in the areas of prevention, communication and awareness-raising, and waste management.

What is the value proposition of the Electrão service?

In addition to fulfilling the legal requirements related to waste management, Electrão offers a complete service, with intervention in different areas.

Environmental communication and marketing

Environmental communication and marketing

  • Electrão promotes joint environmental campaigns with its member companies with the aim of communicating and raising awareness about prevention, reuse, separation and recycling.
  • Every year, Electrão publishes an Executive Report that summarizes the year’s results in a simple and transparent way, explaining, flow by flow, how the system works, the costs associated with its management and the main figures of the recycling activity.
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Recycling results

Recycling results

  • Electrão provides its members with Quarterly Reports with data on recycling and the cost of the collection component, promoting greater transparency on the costs and revenues of the activity, allowing customers to predict future expenses and providing sector news.
  • Electrão also provides an Annual Member Report with the allocation of recycling and carbon footprint mitigation results for each member.
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Multi-waste platform

Multi-waste platform

  • Use of a simple and intuitive one-stop shop platform that brings together several functionalities for the convenience of members – online membership, customer account, multi-waste division, periodic reports, invoices and current account.
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  • Electrão uses the Packaging Cockpit, a tool that calculates the technical recyclability and assesses the life cycle of each member’s packaging.
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Activity compliance

Activity compliance

  • The world of waste is highly regulated and has many technical specifications. Electrão provides dedicated support in understanding, navigating and complying with the different regulatory obligations in environmental and recycling matters.
  • Electrão promotes regular audits of producers carried out and certified by certified auditors, who evaluate the methodology used and allow validation of the calculations in the reports, thus guaranteeing environmental compliance.
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Collection solutions

Collection solutions

  • Electrão provides customised waste collection solutions for companies, stores and warehouses.
  • Collection and Transport management is carried out through a Digital Multi-Waste Platform with automated billing.
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Donation and reuse

Donation and reuse

  • Ondedoar.pt is a platform to promote the donation of electrical equipment, batteries, accumulators, furniture, textiles or other products, mainly new but also used in good condition, through which producers of these goods can publicise their surplus stock as a gift to institutions of a social or environmental nature.
  • Ondereparar.pt is the Electrão platform that provides a network of repair locations for different types of electrical equipment, within the scope of the Right to Repair directive.
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Electrão has an incentive system to differentiate producers by promoting economic and financial efficiency. This incentive system provides for a discount applicable to the financial contributions of members who fall under the standard membership regime.

If you have any questions, please contact aderentes@electrao.pt or call 800 262 333
Joining Electrão is the first step towards a more sustainable environment

Joining Electrão is the first step towards a more sustainable environment

Comply with legal regulations and promote a responsible end-of-life management of your products. By joining Electrão you transfer responsibility for managing the w-aste, batteries and packaging you place on the market to a reliable integrated system.

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