We conduct the integrated management of various waste streams and help our members to meet the legal requirements within the scope of Extended Producer Responsibility, as well as to develop research and development projects to improve eco-design and recyclability of products, along with awareness-raising campaigns for the same purpose.
A partner for companies and organisations...
At Electrão we intervene at all stages of the circular economy and seek to continuously innovate to meet the challenges and objectives set by different sectors at different times, to promote sustainability and the transition to a more circular economy. We are an essential partner in the pursuit of the circularity objectives of European and national policies.

...in responsible flow management
...with the largest collection network for batteries and electrical equipment
We manage the largest collection network for used batteries and electrical equipment in the country, with various types of collection sites, and offer a free collection service for companies, fire stations, schools, stores and other organisations.
... in creating strategic partnerships
To fulfil our role, we have established partnerships with companies that transport, store and treat waste on behalf of Electrão.
... in guaranteeing operational quality
We maintain a close relationship with our operational partners, monitoring all processes and providing technical support to guarantee the quality of the network we manage.
... ensuring monitoring and transparency throughout the work cycle
Our activities are regularly audited, as are those of our partners. Our activity reports are a public repository of all the information related to our work.
... in the implementation of best practice
We actively participate in national, European and international forums aimed at developing and implementing best practice in the management of waste electrical equipment, batteries, packaging and single-use plastics.