
Frequently asked questions

Need something clarified? Here are the most frequently asked questions

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Everything you need to know about Electrão

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What is the principle of extended producer responsibility?
What is the circular economy?
What is electrical equipment and what are its categories?
Am I a producer of electrical equipment?
I'm a producer of electrical equipment. What are my obligations?
How should I proceed as a producer of electrical equipment?
I'm a distributor of electrical equipment. What are my obligations?
What does transferring responsibility to Electrão (management entity) mean?
How can I join the Electrão waste electrical equipment management system (SIGREEE)?
What is the Standard Membership Regime?
What is the Small-Scale Regime?
What are eco-fees?
How much will I pay Electrão for transferring the responsibility for the management of waste electrical equipment?
What is the electrical equipment register and how can I do it?
What are my periodic obligations as an Electrão member producer of electrical equipment?
Whar are batteries and accumulators and their types?
Am I a batteries and accumulators producer?
How should I proceed as a producer of batteries and accumulators?
How can I join the Electrão batteries and accumulators management system (SIGRPA)?
How much will I pay Electrão for the transfer of responsibility for the management of batteries?
What are my periodic obligations as an Electrão member batteries and accumulators producer?
Who should join SIGRE Electrão?
How much does membership cost?
What is the annual packaging report?
What are the requirements for marking packaging?

Do you still have questions?

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