
Electrão R&D projects

Within the scope of its licence, Electrão promotes and finances research and development (R&D) activities aimed at improving processes for the prevention and management of the three waste streams it manages. These projects include new methods for reuse, treatment and recovery, focusing on new treatment tools, separation of secondary raw materials and improved environmental performance.

Project of the month

Control of plastics with flame retardants

Development of a project to prevent and control the spread of mixed plastics with flame retardants in electrical equipment without adequate treatment.

See project

All projects

Control of plastics with flame retardants

Control of plastics with flame retardants

See project
Characterisation and separation of glass, batteries and electrical equipment in MBT

Characterisation and separation of glass, batteries and electrical equipment in MBT

See project
Treatment of mixed WEEE in shredders

Treatment of mixed WEEE in shredders

See project
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